The deadline to submit your claim has now passed. We sincerely appreciate your trust in us. As the claims administrator processes all submitted claims, we will keep you informed. 

We look forward to reaching a successful resolution. 

$1.2 Billion Recent Discover Antitrust Litigation Settlement:

Why Choose Recovery Dynamics Group?

Navigating class action settlements can be highly intricate, and you shouldn’t face it by yourself. Your organization needs a reliable ally—an experienced guide and advocate who comprehends the details thoroughly. Our skilled research team is dedicated to demystifying legal language, conserving your time, and alleviating your worries throughout the process. We designed our class action settlement navigation services to ensure your path to recovery is smoother and more advantageous for you.

Serving Thousands

We cater to a diverse range of industries, from manufacturing and legal to healthcare,
retail, hospitality, restaurant groups, construction, real estate, private equity, and
finance. Recovery Dynamics Group supports thousands of businesses across different
sizes and sectors.

Extensive Industry Access

Recovery Dynamics Group partners with top healthcare IT companies, payment card
processors, acquirers, and a network of prestigious law firms and consultants
nationwide. These strategic alliances grant us exceptional industry insight and access to
crucial data involving hundreds of thousands.

Streamlined Process

At Recovery Dynamics Group, our team is our greatest strength. Our consultants bring a
blend of expertise, diverse skills, and steadfast commitment to ensure that clients
receive their rightful earnings with minimal hassle.

Exceptional Expertise

With our Settlement Recovery Service, you can anticipate a range of benefits: increased settlement opportunities, favorable filing results, top-tier client satisfaction, and ongoing settlement recovery for your company. These are commitments we have consistently honored for thousands of clients. Our unparalleled expertise delivers outstanding results.

All-in-One Assistance Through a Versatile Platform

The ideal settlement navigator provides a unified platform for comprehensive results, seamlessly integrating data from reliable partners. This approach can enhance recovery potential and deliver positive revenue outcomes with minimal stress, all through one powerful solution.

Leading the way to more settlement recoveries

Our clients attest that our expertise and guidance streamline the process and deliver superior settlement outcomes. RDGRP not only set the standard for class action settlement recovery but pioneered it. We’ve continuously elevated standards with advanced technology and a client-focused approach to settlement navigation, prioritizing satisfaction and tangible results.

Your Dedicated Advocates

Class action settlements can be complex, and our mission is to advocate for you to
simplify the process and maximize profitability. We’ll leverage our innovation, expertise,
and passion to ensure the success of you and your team.